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By definition, membership in International Health Association, assumes that the Association provides the members with information, develops standards, carries out legal protection, carries out determination of professional level (certifies), insures professional risk and carries out many other peculiar to it as professional medical association, function.

All this makes an essence of the work which is carried out by us. Objectively estimating our opportunities today, it is necessary to consider that the International Health Association will need a lot of time and efforts that each doctor could receive the real help from Association. But daily activity of Association, step by step brings closer us to the solution of some priorities.

  1. International Association of Health began with active work in the field of publishing and information support of doctors.
  2. International Health Association takes active part in development of new standards of medical support and forming of new medical specialties. It is start for a lot of work on gradual development of the medical industry in Ukraine and Bol to high-quality rendering medical services to the population.
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  4. Legal and/or legal protection, along with professional protection of the doctor, - we actively work on a problem of legal protection, attracting eminent professionals in the ranks: jurists and lawyers in the sphere of medicine. Now work on creation of special legal consulting service for doctors at International Health Association is conducted. Also, actively we popularize and we develop the system of medical insurance among the population.
  5. We will organize seminars, symposiums, conferences of various medical directions with involvement of the best world specialists in various fields of medicine.


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